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EDUSIMSTEAM Exploitation Plan is released! (D.7.3)

A comprehensive dissemination and evaluation plan for WP7 of the EDUSIMSTEAM project was developed. This plan encompasses various activities, ranging from the development of logos and brand identities to conducting workshops. We highly emphasize the importance of disseminating all project outputs widely across our partner countries in their native languages to ensure effective outreach and impact. Our commitment to disseminating project activities extends to our active presence on social media channels, where we regularly share relevant content. In addition to this, we have provided a shared drive link that contains a repository of all partner activities for easy access and reference. This dissemination plan was meticulously designed, featuring a matrix that breaks down each of the described dissemination activities into specific steps and tasks. It not only outlines the timeline and deadlines for each task but also assigns responsible partner organizations and individuals to ensure efficient execution.  Moreover, for communication-related tasks, the dissemination plan specifies the means and media through engaging with the target audience. To maintain a consistent brand image, we have developed a logo, presentation templates, flyers, posters, brochures, and other dissemination materials within the project’s initial six months. These materials serve to establish a unified and recognizable project identity.

To reach a wider audience, we have explored multiple avenues, including newsletters, brochures for dissemination, and online forums hosted on the project website. We are also focusing on utilizing contemporary marketing tools such as Facebook and the professional social network LinkedIn to connect with a broader range of stakeholders.

In summary, our dissemination and evaluation plan for WP7 of the EDUSIMSTEAM project is comprehensive and well-structured. We are committed to disseminating project outcomes widely, utilizing various communication channels and materials to ensure our message reaches its intended audience, both online and through personal interactions.

Here you can reach to EDUSIMSTEAM Exploitation Plan.

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