Within the scope of the EDUSIMSTEAM project, STEAM Online Pilot Teacher Training continues with synchronous sessions on the content of the module of the week every Wednesday at 20:00.

The first session started with the openings and giving brief information about EDUSIMSTEAM project by coordinator Sümeyye Hatice ERAL and the project briefing by Ceyda ÖZDEMİR, who is responsible for pilot implementation and pedagogy on Wednesday (29.09.2021) at 8 pm. Our mentor teachers Hasan Basri ÖZCAN and Pınar ÖZSOY gave information about Modul 1 STEAM Online Pilot Teacher Training “Introduction to integrated STE(Α)M teaching & relevant teaching methods”.
With their presentations on “STEM and STEAM perspectives, integrating arts into STEM fields, STEAM pedagogical approaches, project-based and problem-based learning methods from STEAM teaching methods” included in Module 1, they aimed to contribute to the knowledge and experience of our participating teachers in the field of STEAM.