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Edusimsteam Project Interdisciplinary Practices in STEAM and Innovation Development Workshop (D.7.3)

Edusimsteam Project Interdisciplinary Practices in STEAM and Innovation Development Workshop was held between 13-15 June 2022 within the scope of the Edusimsteam Project, financed by the European Commission and carried out by the Department of Educational Technologies Development and Projects under the responsibility of the General Directorate of Innovation and Educational Technologies.

At the workshop, attended by at least 3 representative teachers from 81 provinces, the participants were provided with an environment to deepen their knowledge and discuss the issues of transformation in education with a multidisciplinary approach, STEAM studies under the responsibility of our general directorate, STEAM education with an active learning approach, associating learning scenarios with the teaching programmes, and solutions for the challenges encountered in STEAM education. The workshop also gave the participants the opportunity to practice with workshops on the discovery of Kumospace as an active learning application and the preparation of STEAM scenarios in the virtual learning environment, and nearly 200 learning scenarios were prepared within the scope of these workshops.

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